Monday, March 7, 2011

glass charm tutorial and 1st anniversary blog giveaway

I love to make and wear my glass charm necklaces and I thought that I'd share with you how I make them.

Before I start ... I'm going to give you a little warning ... making these charms can be additive and you will not be able to stop at just one!
Let's gather our supplies and tools ... here's what you will need:
a) artwork sized to fit the glass tile - my photos are professionally printed on matte paper
b) glass tile, a bail and a chain necklace
c) scrapbook paper cut to fit the glass tile
d) diamond glaze - i.e. "Inkssentials Glossy Accents"
e) strong adhesive - i.e. "E-6000"
f) x-acto knife, emery board, straight pin, wax paper and self-healing mat
Let's get started! Cut your photo slightly larger than your glass tile and set it aside.
One side of your glass tile will be very smooth (front) and the other side has a slight texture (back), place the smooth (front) side down on the wax paper. Now you are ready to apply the diamond glaze to the back of the tile.

Things to remember when you are covering the tile with diamond glaze:
1. you don't want any air bubbles so it is important not to shake the bottle
2. if you do get an air bubble, try to pop it with a pin or move it off the edge of the tile
3. you want to cover the entire back surface of the tile with glaze but not so much that the glaze goes over the edge of the tile
Once the tile is covered with glaze, the next step is to flip the tile over and set it on top of your artwork.
To flip the tile, begin by picking it up with one hand as you see in the photo above. Quickly turn the tile over and grab the tile with your other hand.
Place your tile on top of your art being careful not to press down on the glass tile. If you see any air bubbles or notice that the edges are missing a bit of glaze, you can gently slide the tile over the art to move the glaze around a bit ... do not lift or press down on the tile.
The diamond glaze will take a while to completely set and for the first few minutes the glass tile can "move" especially if the surface you are working on isn't completely level. Watch your tile closely and if it does shift simply slide it so that it is positioned where you want it to be.
Leave your glass tile to dry for about 4 hours ... drying time will vary depending on how thick you applied the glaze. The next step is to remove the excess paper from around the glass tile. Using a sharp x-acto knife, cut the paper as close to the edge of the glass tile as possible on a self-healing mat. You can also cut away any excess glaze from the sides of the glass tile.
Using your emery board, sand the paper along each side of the glass to clean up the edges and remove any excess paper and glaze. To file, always use long downward strokes ... never file back and forth in two directions.
Squeeze some glaze onto the back of the glass tile and place a small piece of scrapbook paper on top. If needed, once the glaze has dried, sand the edges of the scrapbook paper.
Next, add the E-6000 adhesive to the back of the bail.
Pick up your tile and figure out which side is the top of your tile. Turn the tile around and attach the bail to the top centre back. Press down on the bail and set it aside to dry for a while.
Gently squeeze some more diamond glaze onto the back of the glass tile. Be careful not to put glaze on the bail. This step gives your back a nice glossy finish and seals the paper. Let this dry for a few hours before wearing. Please note that these glass tile charms are not waterproof or water resistant.
Add your chain necklace to the bail and your glass charm necklace is ready to wear!
This weekend was the first anniversary of my blog and I wanted to do something special to celebrate so I'm going to do a giveaway!

One lucky person will win one of my glass charm kits ... it includes one glass tile, one silver plated bail, one silver plated chain necklace and one of my original set of four {prince} charming art. You can see a finished charm necklace from this kit in the photo along with a picture of the kit (front and back).

Here's how to win:
1. Become a follower of my blog ... if you are already a "follower" you've already been entered!
2. Get another chance to win if you leave me a comment!
3. Link my glass charm tutorial to your blog and you'll get another chance to win ... just make sure to tell me about your link so that I will know!
I'm going to pick a name at the end of the day on March 21st and post the winner on March 22nd!

Good Luck everyone!

I'm linked up to the following parties:


  1. Great tutorial and Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary Lorrie!

  2. Thanks for posting the tutorial Lorrie! I took the class a while ago and I love these charms!!

  3. I also make these & yes, you are right. They ARE very addicting to make! I have tons!


  4. Congratulations Lorrie! Love the glass charms!

  5. I also added to my blog! :)

    I really need to get into SQ for one of your classes! lol

  6. Thanks for this fabulous tutorial!

  7. This is a great tutorial! These would be cute to make with shorter chains for backpacks too (since I am back in college and have lil ones in school). Thanks! I am now a follower as well. :D

    *thank you for visiting my ring tutorial too.

  8. Congrats on your blog anniversary! I loved your tutorial. I've been wanting to try this for so long. This week might just be the week! Thank you for sharing!

  9. I would love to try and make one of these! thanks for the tutorial.

  10. I have started following you and I am going to post this to my blog right now! :)

  11. Amazing. You did such a good job on the tutorial and the pictures. The charms are beautiful!

  12. I want to say that your work is amazing! I don't know if I have the patience for something like that! But it's beautiful and your tutorial is awesome too! thanks for sharing!

  13. I've always wanted to try making charm jewelry! So fun!!! Thank you for sharing and congrats on your blog anniversary! :)

  14. I am so glad you posted this tutorial! I have been admiring these charm necklaces for some time (yours that is). I also have a question...I am loving the digital "frame" your photos have...did you design that? Blessings,

  15. These are so fun! Thanks for showing the instructions. have a great weekend!

  16. great tutorial...I'm just about to follow that'll be two entries! Found you via sneak peak!

  17. Beautiful! Great tutorial too! xo

    Over from StudioJRU

  18. Happy Blog-iversary Lorrie! What a wonderful way to celebrate with this great giveaway. I love your tutorial... you make it look so easy! Great step by step! Thank you!

  19. Congratulations on your anniversary and a huge thank you for sharing such a great tutorial! You did a wonderful job demonstrating. I love your charms and necklaces. Keep up the great work!

  20. Hurray for giveaways! Your tutorial is really done well. I can't help but think how hard it is to take pictures while holding gooey delicate stuff. I always wondered how people make those necklaces. Really pretty. I'd like to try one day. Maybe I'll win!

  21. congrats on your anniversary - love your tutorial - I've become a follower! found you via collage making directory
    amy of four corners design

  22. I'm a new follower of your blog! Thanks so much for this tutorial--it is so clear and well-written. I am going to have to give this a try!

    Congratulations on your milestone! :)


  23. Thanks for linking to the Tuesday To Do party! I love your charms!! You will be one of the features tomorrow! Feel free to stop by and snag a button! Hope to see you again tomorrow!

  24. i took a little class and made a few of those. love them. i'd love to find the glass in a circle shape! or oval!

  25. Thes do look fun to make and you could do so many things with them. They would make great embellishments!!

  26. Hi Lorrie, I just popped over to check out your blog. Thank you for the comment on the blog, and I am glad to see your wonderful tutorials. Glad to see fellow GTAer on the blogging.
    nscrofan at rogers dot com

  27. Love this idea, and can't wait to give it a try! Do you think that the small glass tiles that you can purchase at Lowe's or Home Depot would work for these? They're about 1" square and have a slightly textured back.

  28. Frosted glass tile is very popular, due to its flat opaque surface. Because it is opaque, it is often easier to install than clear glass tile, because it's not as necessary to be careful with the condition of the wall behind the tile installation.
