Thursday, July 21, 2016

Use up your craft stash inspiration - part one.

Like most craftaholics, I have boxes of crafting supplies taking up space in my home. I have hoarded so many supplies over years that I have decided it's time to start using up products in my craft stash. It's time to make some of those inspirational projects that I've pinned, ripped out of a magazine or sketched out in one of my notebooks. It's time to hold off from purchasing new crafting supplies for a while. Well, let me clarify that, I may need to purchase more glue, or a few new colours of paint, or if I win the lottery, I will have to purchase the Circut Explore machine  ... but other than that, no new crafting supplies. 

These funky clothespins are an example of one of the projects that I have done in the past to use up some of my crafting supplies. My sister-in-law, Kerry, and I spent an evening with a pile of crafting materials (and maybe a bottle of wine) and came up with these.

We used plain clothespins, scrapbooking paper (scraps) assorted resin flowers, a paper cutter, scissors and glue.

I have packed up a couple of boxes with supplies from my craft stash to take to the cottage this weekend. I am looking forward to some down time over the next few weeks to be able to craft with my family and friends. I'll be posting pictures of our projects on Instagram and when I am able, I will post more ideas on the blog to hopefully inspire you to use up your craft stash.