Friday, May 17, 2013

It's a banner day - my submission!

"Start everyday like it's your birthday" banner by Lorrie Everitt
I read about an exhibition on Oh My! Handmade Goodness this week that inspired me.

The exhibition is called "It's a Banner Day" and it is hosted by Hygienic resident artist, Patti Murphy and local artist Kat Murphy. Patti and Kat have invited artists - designers, photographers and artists from all over the world - to participate in this exhibit. Everyone is asked to create a banner that represents an artful message of hope, good news, happiness and/or success. The banners will all be strung together to decorate the gallery. 

This is my submission!

My banner started out as a graphic design that I created on my computer using a mix of fonts, one of my favourite bird illustrations and photo that I took of my chalkboard to use as the background. I printed the completed graphics onto professional photo paper and was prepared to stop there because I have so much on the go with work, family and volunteer projects right now. But after cutting out my printed banner and looking at the simple one dimensional banner, my "mixed media" side took over and I lost all control. The next thing I knew, I was pulling mixed media supplies out of the cabinets in my studio. Glue, brushes, boxes of paper, scraps of vintage and new ribbons, jars of coloured buttons, and spools of sewing threads were littered all over my table in a matter of minutes. 

Everything just seemed to fall into place and an few hours later as I was packaging up my completed submission. I realized when I was driving to the post office that the extra time I spent on this project made me feel happy. It was as if I had spent an afternoon at the spa getting pampered. I felt wonderful, relaxed and ready to dive into my "to do list".  

If you are interested in finding out more about this exhibition you can find it here on the "It's a Banner Day" website.

If you are thinking about submitting a banner yourself ... there's still time! You can get all of the details regarding submissions and to download the templates here

It's a Banner Day Exhibition with artists Patti Murphy and Kat Murphy.
If you are looking for more of my project ideas don't forget that I also blog for Creative Bag.
I just posted some free downloads there that can be used for wedding and party packaging projects.